

Rules of Play

Player Eligibility

·       All players must be registered with the GDSL and have a player waiver on file before being eligible to play. Players that register online will automatically fill out the waiver while registering.

·       Teams that allow a player on the filed during a sanctioned GDSL Match without being registered will automatically forfeit the game – No Exceptions.


·       Players are responsible for adding their picture to their profile on the roster in the app, each team manager has access to add the player’s picture as well. This must be done to check players into games.

·    Checking players into games will be done by opposing coaches. Each team manager will check in with the other team before the game. If they see that a player is not on the roster but playing in the game, they will let the Ref know and double check with the other team manager, to make sure the player in question IS or IS NOT on the roster. Either way the game will be finished/played to completion, but a 3-0 loss for the team that used the non eligible player will be scored. If this happens please make sure that both teams are aware, and both teams agree the player was/is not registered. They have to prove it, and all rosters/player pictures are online, so it will be simple. Both managers will report score to team manager group chat after game. The ref has the final day say. If a player plays without being registered, your team will suffer the loss, NO exceptions, and this starts at Game 1. Going back and registering after getting caught does not change the outcome.

Registration takes 5 min on the website and it automatically puts you on your team roster.

·       Referees will also take a team picture before the start of each game to help identify players should an incident occur during the game.


Borrowing of players

·       Teams are not allowed to borrow players that are registered to other teams. If this happens a forfeit will be given to the team that borrows players. With promotion and relegation and competition increasing, it is unfair to utilize players that are not rostered to your team. Both teams may agree that a forfeit is given and then play the game as a friendly with borrowed players.

·       The GDSL has unlimited roster size so please make sure that you have enough players on your roster and at each game to avoid this problem during the course of the season. You may also add new players at any time during the season by having the player register online.


Game Start Time

·       A games scheduled start time is binding. For regular season and tournament games, each team is required to pay the referee before the start of the game and have a minimum of 7 players in uniform and on the filed ready to start the match at scheduled time. The referee may give up to a 15 min grace period at his discretion. As soon as a team has 7 players present then the game shall be started. If a team does not have enough players and a forfeit is given, both teams are still expected to pay refs for their time to leave their house and show up to a game.

·       7 players constitute a full team. If a team does not have 7 players they pay the ref fees and forfeit the game (3-0 loss). The game can still be played as friendly with both teams agreeing to do so.


Inclement Weather Policy

·       The GDSL will play in most weather conditions as permissible by the Parks Department. We will not play in Lightening or Thunder or during torrential downpours. However we will play with wet fields, light rain, when it’s windy, hot or cold so be prepared. Most Weather Decisions for cancellations will be made by 7:30am the day of game and we try not to cancel if it is possible to play. However some weather circumstances are beyond our control.

·       If lightning or thunder strikes during a game, all teams/players are to go to their cars immediately and wait for referee decision. The referees will automatically put the game on hold for 30 min from the last lightning strike, until it is safe to resume the game, or they may call it off due to the circumstances. Referees have the final decision to keep players safe and will always err on the side of caution. The Safety of our players is the most important.


Games Not Played to Full Duration.

·       For the Regular Season and Tournaments, games not played to full duration due to acts of GOD, such as unusual weather conditions, lightning, excessive rain, storms ect. But that have reached at least the 75th min of play shall be considered official and complete. When a game is not played to full duration the referee should note this in the game report and expressly state if the game reached official game minimum time threshold for completion. If a game is not played to full duration for any reason outside of items listed above (like a game abandonment for fighting or other reasons) The Manager/Referee committee shall have the power to impose suspensions, or order game to be replayed, or order game to stand as played, or order a forfeit to be awarded, or order a double forfeit to be awarded, other possible outcomes depending on the cause of the game not being completed.


Game Officials/Referees

·       All GDSL Games shall be officiated by two properly registered referees approved and appointed by the GDSL. The Referees shall be the sole judge on the field of play and his or her decisions shall be final. Any Complaints shall be directed in writing to the League Commissioner. Please allow a cooling off period before calling or texting the commissioner. We will always be fair and listen to any and all concerns.

·       Please respect the referee’s decisions and direct any feedback to the league commissioner. Any and all feedback is listened to and taken into consideration and discussed with the referees afterward.

·       We are always trying to communicate and work with our Referees to help them and our league improve. Please understand that the referees are human and are not perfect. They do their best to keep everyone safe and make sure that each game is fair. 

·       The league will not tolerate teams who are disrespectful of our hardworking referees. If you have a concern please text/call the league commissioner after a cooling off period so that we can communicate effectively and address concerns and move forward in a positive constructive manner.



·       Referees will give out Yellow and Red Cards as directed in the FIFA Laws of the game

·       Yellow Cards will be tracked by the League Commissioner and teams will be fined $10 for every 3 yellow cards given during the season. All monies collected from Cards will be donated to a local soccer club or charity. The team with the lowest amount of cards will be given the Fair Play Award at the end of the season!

·       This season cards will be tracked on the Sports Engine app. Referees should add cards to the game notes after the game in the app.


·       Red Cards will be tracked by the league commissioner through the app and the receiving player will need to leave the playing field immediately, as well as sit out the next game and pay a $10 fine before they are allowed to play again. Serious foul play will result in a written report of the incident by the match officials and will be reviewed by an independent referee/manager discipline committee, with the possibility of more discipline or suspension moving forward.

·       Fighting will not be tolerated! Players involved are subject to suspension from the league and forfeiture of registration fees pending incident report from referees and review and decision by Discipline Committee. The referees have the Police Department on speed dial and have been directed to call them for any and all incidents involving fighting. This is non-negotiable. Safety first and foremost and if a player lays hands on another player or referee or fan, then that player is libel for his or her actions.


Cancellations Reschedules and No Shows  

·       Teams need to alert the League Commissioner no later than 7pm the night before a game if they do not have enough players for the game and want to try for a reschedule. Teams are allowed one reschedule per season. Reschedules will be listed in the standings as a 3-0 loss for the team requesting reschedule until the replay is done. For a reschedule to happen, both teams must agree to a time and date for the game to be replayed before the end of the regular season. Once both teams agree then please alert the commissioner and he will assign refs, then the replay will be official. In the event that a replay does not happen, the original team that requested, will forfeit the game and it will be recorded as a 3-0 loss for that team.

·       If a team does not alert the League Commissioner and then does not show up with enough players, the Team will still be required to pay the referees as well as forfeit the game. The cutoff time is 7pm the night before a game to alert the League Commissioner. This gives enough time to alert Referees and Opposing teams that there will not be a game. It is respectful to alert everyone and be considerate of their time. If this happens more than once in a season your team is subject to suspension from the league and forfeiture of all registration moneys paid to the league. Communication is key!

·       No Shows are unacceptable. The league can work with you and your team as long as you communicate and work with us. We all work hard and take time away from family to play on Sundays, so please be respectful and communicate if your team does not have enough players or cannot make the game. No Shows, without communication is subject to suspension from the league and forfeiture of registration fees.

Parks and Facilities

·       The GDSL is fortunate enough to have access to some of the best fields in SE Houston and the list is growing. This season we will be playing games at the following facilities.

o  Alvin Community College

o  Living Stones Christian School - Alvin

o Resoft County Park - Alvin

o  Hickory Slough Soccer Complex – Pearland

o  Little Cedar Bayou – LaPorte

o  League City Sportsplex –

o  Countryside Park – League City

o  Hometown Heroes Park – League City

·       Please help us keep these parks and facilities clean. It is absolutely necessary to pick up trash after each game. We are guests in these parks and if we do not respect them and keep them clean we will lose our privileges.


·       PLEASE REMIND YOUR PLAYERS THAT THEY NEED TO WATCH THEIR LANGUAGE!!! We are not the only teams playing in these facilities and there are young soccer players and families around. Please be respectful and keep the foul language to yourself. Be a good Role Model for the younger players. 

HS Boys League

HS Boys

Each team pays Refs $50 at game time. 

- 11v11

- Teams Must have matching jersey during match play


- 40 min halves 

- 10 min halftime

- 1 min water break at 20 min of each half

Unlimited substitutions on any stoppage of play.

- The GDSL limits a win to 10 goals differetial no matter the score. So if a team wins by 15 goals we knock it back down to a +10. 

- the refs will take a pic of each team at every game.

Drink Plenty of Water, Safety first. 

HS Girls League

HS Girls

Each team pays Refs $20 at game time. 

- 8v8

- Teams Must have matching jersey during match play


- 28 min halves 

- 4 min halftime

- 1 min water break at 14 min of each half

- No Slide Tackles

- No Offside

- Only Goal Keeper can slide for the ball

- All fouls are indirect free kick, unless its a pk. 

- Game kickoff and Corner kicks are direct. 

- A team may add an extra player if they are loosing by 5 goals, add a second player if loosing by 7 goals. 

- Limit 2 extra players on field. 

- The GDSL limits a win to 10 goals differetial no matter the score. So if a team wins by 15 goals we knock it back down to a +10. 

COED League

Coed Rules

Each team pays Refs $20 at game time. 

- 8v8

- Teams Must have matching jersey during match play


- 28 min halves 

- 4 min halftime

- 1 min water break at 14 min of each half

- 3 girls must be on field for each team at all times

- No Slide Tackles

- No Offside

- Only Goal Keeper can slide for the ball

- All fouls are indirect free kick, unless its a pk. 

- Game kickoff and Corner kicks are direct. 

- Girl goals count as 2, 

- ALL Penalty Kicks count as 1 (male or female)

- Guy goals count as 1, limit 3 goals per any one guy - Unlimited assists

- Unlimited substitutions

- A team may add an extra player if they are loosing by 5 goals, add a second player if loosing by 7 goals. 

- Limit 2 extra players on field. 

- The GDSL limits a win to 10 goals differetial no matter the score. So if a team wins by 15 goals we knock it back down to a +10. 

Men's League

Mens League

Each team pays Refs $60 at game time. 

- 11v11

- Teams Must have matching jersey during match play


- 45 min halves 

- 10 min halftime

- 1 min water break at 22 min of each half

Unlimited substitutions on any stoppage of play.

- The GDSL limits a win to 10 goals differetial no matter the score. So if a team wins by 15 goals we knock it back down to a +10. 

- the refs will take a pic of each team at every game.

Drink Plenty of Water, Safety first. 

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